Book Review. The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

Listen to this post in more detail on my podcast: Journal with Jenny

In the book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to HIgher Creativity author Julia Cameron takes you through 12 weeks of reading and writing exercises to help you discover the connection between the spiritual self and the creative self. 

I feel that this book has been my north star, my guide, for coming back to my creative self over the years because I’ve read it and done the exercises at different points in my life since 2007.

Journaling guidance to help you regain your independence and write your own story

Morning Pages

Cameron believes creativity is a spiritual practice, and I would say the true touchstone for me has been “The Morning Pages”. This is where you write three pages each day in your journal no matter what. I like to do this right away in the morning, but as with anything, make it your own and do it whenever you feel moved to do so. Cameron says the Morning Pages are the primary tool of creative recovery. And I think this is so you can get in touch with yourself. I just let the writing flow from my heart to my pen to the page. 

Creative Recovery

What I also love about this book is that Cameron discusses all of the things you need to recover as a creative artist like possibility, connection, self-protection, identity, and more. And she not only discusses these things in the chapters, but she also provides writing exercises to explore these different areas and to help you work on your beliefs and mindset. 

Artist’s Dates

A unique request Cameron makes of her readers are the Artist’s Dates. Cameron explains that when you do your morning pages you are SENDING - like notifying yourself and the universe or God-- of your dreams, dissatisfactions, hopes. And when doing the artist date, you are RECEIVING - you’re opening yourself to insight, inspiration, and guidance. 

The idea behind this is for you spend some time in solitude doing things that will feel nurturing to you like watching the sunset on the beach, visiting a library or art studio, taking photographs, taking a nature walk, writing a letter, enjoying dinner and a movie alone, enjoying new ethnic foods or music, or going to a yoga class, for example. 

Now I have to admit, I have not been the best about going on my artist dates each week, but I have tried. If I get even 10 minutes to lie in the grass looking at the clouds while my kids play at the park, I’ll take it. Or sometimes after my Morning Pages, I will listen to a meditation in my favorite chair. I love the idea of the Artist Dates -  to set aside some time to get quiet and to listen and to receive. Even though it’s been hard to schedule those - I try to take the moments at this point in my life. 

I highly recommend The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron. 

Go out and develop your creative self! You’ll love it, and Julia Cameron will give you the tools to do so. 


Please share your favorite books about writing or books that inspire you in the comments. And if you’ve used The Artist’s Way, what did you think of it?

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