Do You Have Any Regrets?

Journaling tips to help you feel ready for anything and work things out you were struggling with

You can listen to this post on my podcast: Journal with Jenny

Have you had any regrets throughout your life? 

Maybe you didn’t handle a situation well or perhaps you betrayed someone you care about. 

Often you feel guilt, shame, and disappointment when you look back on what you regret most.

I know I do.

Some of my biggest regrets have to do with people I didn’t take the time for because I was too “busy” and others have to do with not taking a chance because I didn’t feel worthy enough. 


Write down anything you regret from your past.

Usually these things happen in our lives to teach us; I believe life is all about learning from our accomplishments, our failures, our trials, and our triumphs. It changes us, and we often don’t only need to forgive others, but we need to forgive ourselves. 

As you look at those regrets you wrote down, what did you learn from them? Do you still need to forgive yourself or others from those situations? 

Not always but sometimes it takes life-altering events to shake us awake to what matters most and to remind us what kind of person we want to be. 


Grab your pen and paper again and answer these questions:

At the end of your life, when you’re rocking in your recliner reminiscing on your life, what will you think of it - will you have any regrets?

Will you feel contentment about how you treated others?

Will you feel you lived life to the fullest whether that be jumping out of an airplane or thoughtfully remembering the birthdays of the people you cared about?

Your life is built upon the actions you take. Are you building a life without regrets?

The power is in your hands to create your life story and live it. Learn from your regrets, focus on your values, and you will live a life story you love.

Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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