Is Everything is Figureoutable? A Quick Review with Some Writing Suggestions from Marie Forleo’s Book

Move beyond feeling uncertain and use journaling to help you look inwards for the answers you seek

Listen to this post on my podcast: Journal with Jenny

Could one phrase change your life?

Thank the Lord for Audible! I could not “read” as many books as I do if it wasn’t for the ability to listen to them. I listen when I get ready in the morning, while I exercise, while I drive long distances, and while I do the dishes or pick up things around the house. Let me tell you, listening to a stellar book will motivate me to clean the house and fold piles of laundry! “Sorry Fam! I need to go scrub the bathroom floor. Huh? I can’t hear you because my earpods are in…” 

Don’t worry, I don’t listen to books ALL the time, but I did recently listen to Marie Forleo’s book, Everything is Figureoutable: How One Simple Belief Can Help Us Overcome Any Obstacle and Create Unstoppable Success.

It’s a no nonsense reminder that yes there will be obstacles in life, but you can figure it out and overcome anything that comes your way if you REALLY want something badly enough.

I liked Forleo’s approach to issues that may come up in your life with manageable steps and inspirational stories. I also liked that Forleo had some pen to paper writing activities for readers. 


Take out your notebook and in it, write the following at the top of six pages: “What I really want is…” 

Every day for six days, write freely about what you really want in your life - business, relationship, career, family, health, money, faith, anything - just write. 

After six days, evaluate what you wrote and pick out the most repeated items from what you have written. Now write about WHY you want this and how you will FEEL when you figure out how to make these things happen in your life. 

And that is just the beginning. Forleo has more questions and writing activities for readers that I found helpful, but you should purchase the book if you’re intrigued and want to explore this topic. If you’ve lost your way or even if you just need to refocus, Forleo’s advice and directions are worth the read. I especially like that she has writing activities to ground her teachings. 

Plus, using the phrase “Everything is Figureoutable” really shifts your thinking when you’re feeling frustrated. It trains you to look for solutions instead of only focusing on the problem. And if just thinking about it in that way doesn’t help, Forleo herself says, “Putting pen to paper is a mystical way to access your most profound truths.”  I couldn’t agree more!  

Have you read the book Everything is Figureoutable? If not, do you think you will now? Let me know what you think of the book and what you learned from this writing activity. I love to hear from you!

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