Illuminate Your Soul: What’s Keeping You From Discovering What Lights You Up?

Listen to this post on my podcast: Journal with Jenny

Greetings, soulful seekers. Today, we’re  exploring the profound question, "What lights you up?" Let’s uncover the radiant sources of joy in your life through new learning experiences and creative pursuits. 

In the midst of the holiday season, surrounded by twinkling lights, we often forget to illuminate our own souls. Today, we're going to uncover the unique joys that can brighten up your world.

Connecting with Genuine Joy

Think about it – what brings you genuine joy? Not just during the holiday season, but all year round. It's crucial to connect with those sparks that light up your soul and bring a sense of fulfillment.

The Role of Journaling 

Journaling plays a vital role in illuminating your desires. It's a powerful tool to unravel your thoughts, desires, and the activities that resonate with your true self. By putting pen to paper, you can explore the depth of what truly lights you up.

Amidst the chaos of daily life, I discovered that dedicating time to my creative pursuits brought me unparalleled joy. Journaling about those moments helped me prioritize and integrate more of them into my life.

Prompts to Guide Your Illuminating Adventure

What activities make your heart skip a beat and put a smile on your face? 

Is there a skill you've been itching to learn? 

How can you carve out time for these soul-lifting pursuits?

Your joys matter!

Until next time, keep chasing the lights that brighten your soul. Keep journaling, keep growing, and remember, your joy is a beacon guiding you to a more fulfilled life.

Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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