How to Make Space for the Future and Embrace What's Next

When you feel you can't think straight journaling can help you discover your goals and purpose

Picture yourself standing at the edge of a lush, overgrown garden. Nature has woven a tapestry of wildflowers and ivy, creating a vibrant and tangled world. In this garden, we find a valuable lesson—one that transcends the boundaries of nature and touches our own lives.

Just as the garden must be pruned and cleared to make space for new growth, we, too, must learn to release the past to welcome what's next. It's about creating space for a beautiful future, a future we truly deserve.

The Weight of the Past

We often carry the weight of our past experiences, relationships, and emotions. These burdens can become heavy baggage, holding us back from the life we're meant to live. But here's the truth I've learned over the years: sometimes, to make room for new beginnings, we need to release the things that weigh us down.

Wisdom from the Heart

Let me share a story with you—a story that beautifully illustrates the transformational power of releasing the past about a woman named Emily.

Emily had carried the pain of a past relationship for far too long. The memories of heartbreak and betrayal had haunted her for years, like a shadow that refused to leave. She had closed her heart, fearing that she'd be hurt again.

One day, while sorting through her old belongings, Emily found a box filled with mementos from that past relationship—love letters, photographs, and trinkets that held memories of happier times. As she sifted through these relics of the past, she realized that they were not only taking up space in her closet but also in her heart.

With a deep breath, Emily made a courageous decision. She decided to release the past. She didn't burn those letters or throw away those photographs; instead, as she held each memory, she thanked them for the lessons they had taught her and put them in a beautiful keepsake box. She placed the box on a high shelf, symbolizing her choice to let go.

As time passed, Emily's heart began to heal. She started opening up to new possibilities, new friendships, and eventually, a new love that brought her happiness she had never imagined. The act of releasing the past had made room for a beautiful future.

Journaling Prompt: Say Goodbye to the Past

Consider a past event, relationship, or mistake you’re ready to say goodbye to. Write it a thank you letter for the lessons it has taught you. Tell it that it has taken up enough space in your life, and you’re ready to release it. This letter is your opportunity to release and find closure. Allow the words to flow, unfiltered and honest. Write until you feel complete. When you’re finished,  burn it, tear it up, or put it in a keepsake box like Emily. This letter is a symbolic act of letting go, so do with it what you wish. 

As we conclude, remember that releasing the past shows strength and resilience. It tells your heart and mind that you believe in a brighter future. Keep journaling and making space for all that’s waiting for you.

Are you struggling with starting to journal or sticking with it? Get my free download “Learn how to journal” where I let you in on my morning journaling ritual.

Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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