This Is Something You NEED to Hear

Move beyond feeling frustrated and use journaling to help you redefine your future

What steals your time?

How do you prioritize your time?

Is there any time in your day just for you?

Our society seems to value “busy”. How many people do you talk to in a day when asked, “How are you?” respond with, “Oh, I’m so busy…..” Then they go into a long list of all the things they are doing and how tired they are feeling.

If you were to respond with something like, “I had a great day because I just hung out at home with my kids; we played board games and were in the sandbox for hours,” people will sarcastically respond with, “Wow, that must be nice. I wish I had that kind of time.”

They shame you! It’s terrible. Trust me, I know because I’ve been shamed for not being “busy”.

I see adults and kids learning that busy is the only way. I have been part of “the busy”, and it’s so hard not to get caught up in it.

And I get it!

There are seasons where life just throws a lot at you, but I also think sometimes we do it to ourselves and when that happens, we can become overweight, we can use additions to numb out or cope, relationships aren’t a priority, and physical conditions begin to appear.

I’m here to tell you that…

It’s ok to slow down.

It’s ok to take time for yourself.

It’s ok to completely stop for a bit.

Writing can be that tool to help you get grounded and centered. It’s a way to really see what’s going on in your mind and heart.

You can write without judgement when you use my How to Journal Guide. Writing is like your best friend who helps you process all that is going on in your life.

Let me know how writing is working for you in the comments. I truly love hearing from you.

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