Change your story using my How to Journal Method

Move beyond feeling stuck and use journaling to help you work things out you were struggling with

Listen to this post on my podcast: Journal with Jenny

I’d like to share with you about a time that I changed a story that could have been very negative into one that was positive for me. 

I remember in 2006, I was so excited to move to a new city with my daughter for a fresh start. I was so full of hope and promise, but the truth is that even though this was the right thing to do at the time and I grew in many ways, it also turned out to be extremely hard. Shortly after I moved, I had to replace the transmission in my car, some of the money I was counting on was not coming in, my love life was in the dumps, and my job was a huge change from what I was used to. It was all overwhelming and just pretty darn difficult. 

I could have felt sorry for myself and given up, but instead I pushed forward - always looking for the positives while journaling A LOT.

Once again, writing saved me.

It was through writing that I decided to do something many people told me I was crazy to attempt…I signed up for a half marathon. And not only did I sign up for a half marathon, but I committed to working with Team in Training. This organization gets runners guaranteed race entry, a rally & dinner, training support, and more. In exchange for this, I was to raise about $4000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. And did I mention the race was in San Francisco? There are a lot of hills in San Francisco!

So I could have felt bad that the move wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, but instead I decided to change the story from one where I felt sad and bummed to one where I would help others while creating an opportunity for my own growth. 

Training was tough and fundraising was laborious, but it was also a lot of fun, and I met several good souls along the way. I journaled through this journey while staying positive & resilient. And let me tell you, when I finished my half marathon, I felt like I could conquer anything…I could get through any obstacle that came my way. Journaling helped me create the mind power and the habits I needed to keep going. 

So what about you? Do you have a story you want to change? Have you thought of using writing to help you through a big change, a transition, or a life event you want to make choices about? Is there one story you want to change in your life, so you can look at it from a new perspective? If so, I can help you. 

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Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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