3-2-1 Writing Inspiration

When you feel you are wasting your life journaling can help you work things out you were struggling with

Listen to this post on my podcast: Journal with Jenny

If you’re new to journaling or if you’re not, here’s a quick way to be reflective while journaling at the end of your day. I call it The 3-2-1 Journal Writing Method.

You will write:

3 things about your day,

2 compliments to yourself about something you felt good about, and

1 nice thing you did for yourself today. 

You can even grab your journal & try it now if you like! 

3: The three things about your day can be short jot dots or longer if you like. It can be anything you want to remember about this particular day - events, people, feelings, you name it...write it down. 

2: We so easily put ourselves down, why not build yourself up? Say something nice about yourself! You do so many good and amazing things each day - remind yourself of what those things are. And if you want - write more than two things! 

1: We also tend to do things for everyone else. Writing one thing you did for yourself today that showed kindness and self-love will make you more mindful to do those things more often. 

Here’s my 3-2-1- from yesterday:


*Fun day seeing Barrett & Josslyn wrestle at the O’Neill Invite. J got 3rd and B got 2nd. Funny Josie quote of the day: “I don’t know why that boy tried to pin me. I’m too stubborn for that.

*Father-Daughter Dance for Aaron & Josslyn: Barrett & I went to Chesterfields for Mother-Son time.

*Had the most therapeutic and soul needed talk with Kori today.



I was focused & attentive with Barrett during our time together = We had the best conversations. 

I cleaned out several drawers and cupboards today which made me feel so good & happy. 



I took a bath with a luscious smelling bath bomb. It was so relaxing!

This is such a great way to quickly keep track of your days and to mindfully love yourself in the process. 

I would love for you to write in the comments what you think about this, and if you tried it, how did it go?

Enjoy this writing inspiration brought to you by yours truly! Xoxoxo


Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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