Have You Ever Felt Like You're Drowning in Life?

When you feel you are wasting your life journaling can help you be present

Have you ever felt like you are knee deep into life?

SCRATCH THAT, have you ever felt like you’re drowning in life?

A few years ago, I felt that way. It was constant go-go-go without ceasing. My eldest daughter was in numerous activities and sports, and my youngest two were two and four. I haven’t told you much about my husband, but he’s a farmer, and he works a TON. (More about him later.)

Because of all this, I stopped writing. Completely. Throughout most of my life, I had written, but I just didn’t make it a priority during this busy season… like... for an entire school year.

Then March came. And I lost my voice.

It came back, but then I lost my voice again.

And I lost my voice two more times during that school year and into the summer.

I had lost my voice occasionally in the past, but I had never lost it this many times or for long time periods. I was scared. How would I continue to teach if I couldn’t use my voice?

Because of this, I started seeing specialistS...capital S at the end because I saw so many.

The ENT doctor...was I losing my ability to speak?

The thyroid specialist...did I have thyroid cancer?

The gastroenterologist doctor...esophagus cancer?

What was wrong with me?

I even saw a speech therapist for voice exercises. No one could pinpoint why exactly I was losing my voice.

It seemed to be a series of small things, but I knew I wasn’t taking care of myself and that’s why all of this was happening.

I was running ragged for everyone else, and it had finally taken its toll. My body was speaking to me by holding my voice hostage.

I think most people have those periods in life where we forget about ourselves. We ignore the magnificent body, mind, and spirit we were given to care for because we think we should be taking care of everyone else at home or at work.

I think it comes down to realizing just how precious you are and that making time for yourself isn’t selfish — it’s necessary.

Writing allows me time to center on all that I’m feeling and all that I’m dreaming. Taking this time to write makes me a better mom, wife, teacher, friend, daughter, and person.

Through writing again, I found my voice. You can find your voice through writing with me. Take some time today by using my How to Journal Guide.

Let me know how writing is working for you in the comments. I truly love hearing from you.

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