How Writing Got Me Through the Most Difficult Time of My Life

Getting divorced, going through a breakup, or being betrayed is heartbreaking.

It rocks your entire world.

It’s like waking up to a story you don’t want to be in day after day after day. Have you ever experienced a disastrous or harmful relationship?

I was married in my early 20s and divorced a few years later.

It was devastating because I had one story in my mind about how our lives should or could be, but he had another; ultimately, we did not bring out the best in one another. But I am here to say that it was a terrible, heart-wrenching, draining process to untangle ourselves. Experiencing divorce put me through a complete metamorphosis.

Have your heard of people talk about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly?

It doesn’t just go into its cocoon and gain wings, it actually turns into GOO! Like the caterpillar digests itself releasing enzymes to dissolve the tissues leaving only some surviving cells. It’s this soupy, gooey mess that the caterpillar will metamorphosize into a gorgeous butterfly who can break free and soar. It’s astonishing!

It’s also astonishing what WE can become after being in the goo.

When I was in the goo of my divorce, I was terrified, sad, and frustrated. My body ached, I was afraid to socialize much, and I lost myself in my work and my daughter.

But thank God for writing, reading, friends, and family who were in the goo with me and now have their names written on my wings.

I honestly could not have been brave enough to leave or strong enough to get divorced if it had not been for writing. It was through stepping away and writing that I could gain some perspective on what my life really had become. And writing was the tool to help me transform, and it was the tool to help me chip away at my chrysalis and break free.

I hope to teach you how you can use writing to come out of the goo and spread your wings over your story.

Join my newsletter via the footer below where I send advice and inspiration to help you out of the goo too. I write my story and so can you.


Have You Ever Felt Like You're Drowning in Life?