Four Things YOU can do to celebrate the incredible women in your life

Use journaling to help you write your own story and discover a sense of strength so you can make better decisions

Here are four things you can do to celebrate this very special day and celebrate the amazing woman you are. 

I must say that this message carries over to the men too! You can apply all of these suggestions as well. 

1.) Surround yourself with women who inspire you and love you through all your faults & mistakes. 

Find women who have high vibe energy!

Women who lift you up.

Women who only speak of your goodness, not women who have gossip on their lips. Be with women who inspire you to become a better person, not women who tear you or others down.

Embrace women who show you kindness; women who want to include you. Don’t waste your energy on women who don’t think of you while inviting others. Be with women who love you and want to hear you. Be with women who make you feel so good when you leave them that you can’t wait to be in their presence again. 

I love this quote from Sark: “The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak and sing with us when we’re strong.” 

These are the women you want in your life. 

2.) Do one loving thing for yourself each day. 

This doesn’t have to be a major production. You could get up 10 minutes earlier than your family for a heart-warming and quiet cup of tea. You could sit outside for five minutes after work to feel the sun on your face. You could meet a friend or your love for lunch. Check out my blog post titled, The 3-2-1 Journal Method, to hold yourself accountable to be kind to yourself each day. 

3.) Have a grateful heart. 

The more grateful you are for every little thing, the more you will attract those good, juicy, and lovely things into your life. In my How to Journal Download, I encourage you to write what you’re grateful for every day. If you do this, you will start to recognize how abundantly you are loved through the little gifts each day holds.

4.) Write yourself a love letter.

Be kind to yourself. So many women are hard on themselves. 

You look in the mirror and pick out your faults. I do it too! Try to talk kindly to yourself and give yourself compliments. Recognize the powerful and resilient woman you are! You were created in the image of God - you are His child, so how could there possibly be one thing “wrong” with you? Own your value and your gifts and your skills. You are amazing! Even when others don’t recognize it - you are INCREDIBLE! 

Take some time today to write yourself a love letter to remind yourself of how awesome you are. Own every single talent you have. Shout out every good thing about yourself. Be your own best friend and your biggest cheerleader. Write it in a letter to yourself. 

Let me know in the comments if you tried any of these tips to celebrate and love yourself.

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