Here’s How Journaling & Writing Can Help You Now

Use journaling to help you create clarity and discover a sense of courage so you can let go of what no longer serves you

Listen to this post on my podcast: Journal with Jenny

This Easter Sunday has me thinking about rebirth. I’ve been pondering about all the times I’ve been disappointed, beaten down, and disheartened by situations or people in my life only to come back as a better version of myself - like I’ve been resurrected into a wiser, braver, and more confident me. To help me break through my most difficult times to get to a brighter side, journaling & writing have been my most faithful tools.

Because of COVID-19, we are all living through surreal and difficult times. Some of you may work in the medical field, exhausted and afraid you will catch the virus or give it to people you love. Others of you may be frustrated you cannot work and concerned financially for the well-being of your family. Many of you are teachers who miss your students and worry about them. And several of you are working from home AND trying to homeschool your children. There are so many different scenarios you are all dealing with.

I’m here to help in my small, humble way in hopes that journaling & writing can help you through this uncertain time. 

If you don’t know where to start, grab a pen & paper and pick one of the following suggestions. 


Is your mind spinning? Sometimes when you’re feeling anxious, it’s good to just throw it all on the page. Writing in a journal by hand helps to settle you down and see what’s really going on. When you freewrite, just write whatever pops in your head. Freewriting was originally suggested by Peter Elbow as a tool for brainstorming ideas, but using it when you’re upset or overthinking can be a method to calm your anxious thoughts. 

Write a Prayer or Manifestation

It’s true that what you think, believe, and feel often become reality. Creating awareness around this and purposefully “thinking on purpose” is a powerful tool. You may want to write a prayer or manifestation that you can read during your morning ritual or before bed. I always start my prayers in gratitude before making any requests. I use visualization when I do this. You really need to picture what you are praying for or manifesting. This practice can be grounding whether you’re offering up thanks, if you're worried and asking for help or protection, or if you’re visualizing your goals and intentions for your day or life. 

Write a List or a Schedule

It may sound odd, but making a list or a schedule for the day can be extremely soothing. When I start to freak out about all that needs to get done, I write a list and make a plan for the day. Set your priorities first, and then write down how you will get them done. I am the Queen of Lists. Even if everything doesn’t get completed, there is something about making the list that makes me feel better. Try it - this might help you, too.

Write a Letter 

My 8-year-old wrote a letter to his buddy he is missing while I mailed pictures from a girls trip to friends along with written notes. You could send a handwritten letter to your family, or you could send postcards to colleagues or students. Now would be a good time to write to your favorite medical professional, grocery clerk, or teacher. Sending a note of gratitude will make you feel good and make the receiver feel even better. 

Get Creative 

I have seen SO much creativity burst forward since many people have slowed down. So why not get creative with your writing? Pen that short story you’ve always wanted to write or start a blog! Since it is National Poetry Month, you could write some poems. One of my colleagues who is uber talented has written rap songs for students and written and performed this synopsis of Romeo and Juliet for her students. My students are participating in Camp Nanowrimo this month where they can write about the topic of their choice in any genre. The possibilities are endless! Creating gives you a sense of purpose and it gives you all the good vibes that you’ve accomplished something that is your own. I invite you to put yourself out there and try writing creativity.

I know this is a difficult time for so many. Journaling and writing can help. If you need more tips, click on my How to Journal Download. Please share in the comments if you have any other writing ideas. And if you tried any of these or plan to, let me know! I love to hear from you. 

Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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