Journaling Intentions for Growth and Manifesting Your Deepest Desires

The earth is fertile; it’s time to plant your intentions - any hopes, dreams, and desires, so they can start to blossom. 

What you’ll need: paper/journal, favorite pen, a plant or some seeds, a spade to dig in the garden or your pot. 

*Light a candle and get reflective about what you most desire. Take out your journal and answer these questions: 


~When you consider your life, what do you want to see grow and bloom in the coming months? 

~What do you want to bring forth in your life? 

~What can you plant a seed about in your mind then nurture during this spring and summer to make your dreams come true? 

~What will your harvest look like after the summer? 

**Write this in the present tense as if it has happened by the end of summer. 

*Tear your journal pages out of your book. 

*Ask the Universe or Source or God - whoever you identify with - the following:

Dear God - I call upon you and your power as I plant these desires/goals in the soil of our mother earth. If it is your will, I ask you to give them the power to grow, so I can harvest their goodness in the months ahead. 

*Read your journal pages out loud. While you read them FEEL what it will be like when you have experienced each of these desires coming true. What does it look like? Be specific. What do you hear others or yourself saying? Breath the feelings, sights, and sounds in and believe that you are already receiving all the things you hope to grow in your life. 

*Fold up your pages and put them in your pot or in your garden and say:

Thank you God for hearing my heart’s desires and creating them into reality. I am open to receive your blessings. 

*Place your seeds or plant in the dirt. 

*Visualize all of your desires coming true. Breath deeply and feel, see, and hear all you’ve dreamed of coming to life. Relish in each of the things you desire as if they are already yours. 

Believe that God has already made plans to bring these desires to life. Feel it, see it, hear it, and believe it. Know that this is for your higher good. 

*Thank God for all of your blessings. 

*Water your seeds or plant each day and watch it grow as you say: 

I believe in the miracles of life.

Giving thanks and acknowledging your blessings will grow more abundance and goodness in your life, so water your seeds with a grateful heart.

Please comment below to let me know what you wrote about or learned from this. I would love to hear from you!

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